Tuesday, June 1


June 1st will always be a special day for us. It was the day that 3 years ago, Jonathan had his first dialysis treatment. He was admitted to the hospital a day earlier with kidney failure. It has yet to be determined what caused his kidney failure, so we've just added it to the list of things that we don't understand, but have learned to accept.
It's also even more special because it was June 1st, 2 years ago, that Jonathan received his kidney(s) transplant. (He received 2 infant, cadaver kidneys, so it's kind of a special case.) We are very grateful that he (we) only had to endure a year of dialysis and even more so, thankful that his transplant was a success.
We give all the praise to the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness to us through these last 3 years!
If you're new to the blog, you can follow the kidney story back here...


Unknown said...

Sorry I haven't been visiting your blog much either. Google readeris great but definitely reduces the amount of comments I leave.


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