Friday, April 16

A Must Read (in my humble opinion)

In light of this being Autism Awareness Month, I wanted to share an amazing story with you. This online book is written by a mom to a severely autistic son. Their story will touch your heart and probably bring tears to your eyes. It may also give you something to relate to, or it will open your eyes to the struggles of being a parent to a child with special needs.

The author's name is Annie Lubliner Lehman and her memoir is called

Her book is available for free this entire month and you can find it by clicking on the name of the book above. It will only take a few hours to read, and it is well worth it!


Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,
I glanced at the online book, and I will read it just as soon as I finish the project that is due for my class. (Reading it is next on my list of priorities.) Thank you for bringing this to my attention. obtw...I like your blog's new look!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading the book. I was so impressed by Jonah's mom's determination and unfaltering love and devotion for her son! I especially liked the part when little David spoke up and defended his brother Jonah to the (rude woman)in the store... Additionally, I was touched by how Ms. Lehmann adopted a "no-nonsense" attitude toward people who didn't understand about Jonah's needs or what Jonah was all about. I cried when Jonah told his mom, "I lob you." It truly was a great read! Thanks for sharing this with me.
(I know that you can relate firsthand to what Ms. Lehmann wrote...)
Love you,

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