Sunday, February 14

Fun Times at the State Fair

On Wednesday, we spent the day at the Florida State Fair.  Jonathan was off work and we had William skip school.  That's one of the bonuses of having a kid in pre-k, absentees don't count! :)  Anyway, we started out looking for the animals, but of course, we ended up going through the midway to find anything.  Since we were surrounded, we broke down and paid $20 for a page of ride tickets.  William wanted to ride the carousel, so that was our first stop.  
Abbey was happy on her horse, until it started moving...
That's when she moved with daddy to the safer seats that don't do anything! 
Next up was a stop to this little ducky thing.  I thought there was more to it, but no, you just reached in and pulled out 3 ducks, then picked out a prize - wow.  And all of this for only $5!!!  Can you say rip off?  Well, it was too late since the kids were already reaching into the pool, so we came away with a blow up nemo fish and some big plastic blow up bat.  We ended up letting the air out, so we could keep them on the stroller.  We have yet to blow them up again.   
Anyway, the best part of the day came next as William and I hit the "big slide."  He didn't hestitate a bit, walking up a ton of stairs and then climbing on the carpet, as he called it.  A quick push and we were off... 
And we went fast!!!  We kind of flew off the track as we went over the hills too.  It was SO much fun!  It's so cool that I have a little partner for rides now!  - Jonathan doesn't do rides! :( 
We took a quick break for lunch and thankfully had just enough tickets for another ride, so we hit the slide one last time.  Then it was time for the animals!  We went through Cracker Country, but at this age, the kids could care less.  Although, there was a huge train display that William liked.  It was pretty hard to pull him away from that!  It's pretty tough to keep tabs on 2 little ones amongst a ton of people and get good pictures, so you'll have to make do with what we got...
Abbey wasn't quite as excited about the animals that day as she has been in the past. 
William was making a bunch of ladies laugh, so they offered to take our picture.  In this one, he threw the feed straight up!  They gave him a re-do. :) 
This guy had some HUGE horns!
There was a sign near these cows that said they liked to be brushed, so William got right on it. 
And we rounded out the day with a walk through a true log home! 


Anonymous said...

Looks like y'all had a great time at the fair! Loved the pic of you and William on the BIG slide. Glad that you and Jon and the family could have a get-away together.

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