Tuesday, May 27

Hollis Gardens

Well, we went to Lakeland & Orlando for a long weekend and first on our agenda was to get some good family pictures. We went to Hollis Gardens downtown and while we matched and looked presentable, I can't say that it was exactly smooth sailing. William was being quite uncooperative. It could have been the heat...it was only like 90 degrees outside! By the end of our photo shoot, we were all just dying. Poor Abbey had little heat bumps all over. She and I went to the car to get some air while William cooled down by playing in the fountains next door. (Pictures of that to follow) Anyhow, I think these are the best of the many, many, many pictures taken that morning.

Even our faithful photographer got in on the picture action!


Angela said...

Those pictures turned out great. Pictures with toddlers is hard and sometimes the best pictures you will ever have because they are natural. Can't wait to see/read more about your fun weekend.

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