Monday, July 19

Abbey - our big 3 year-old!!

Abbey turned 3 years old this past Saturday! It's pretty hard to believe that it's been that long since our "little" 9-pound baby came into our lives right in our own little apartment!
My parents were in town last Thursday and we met up with them for lunch and a treat at Dairy Queen before they headed home. Abbey thoroughly enjoyed her chocolate ice cream and William had fun with the camera, as you'll see....
(This is a self portrait)
Friday night we had cake and Abbey opened presents. She did better this year than last, although she still needed some help. She was ready to stop opening boxes after the first one! Thankfully, William was right there encouraging her to keep going! :)
Here's Abbey in her cute Holland shirt that Papa brought her from the Netherlands.
Happy Birthday, Abbey! We love you so much!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,
It has been a really long time since I have visited your blog...I thoroughly enjoyed your posts! Thank you for taking time to share your family's adventures.

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